Critical theoretical and activist engagements on concerns such as human rights, gender violence, global pandemics, coloniality, racism and environmental sustainability are hot topics in both social science research and change-making across the world.This Summer School seeks to shed light and enable learning on the multiple methodological, epistemological and political challenges involved. We aim to open up discussion on new forms of engagement, multi-modal expressions and student participation.This Summer School offers a unique space for creating mutual learning between critical analysis and critical engagement.

Ascona Summer School 2021
The Ascona Interface Summer School: Anthropological Engagement beyond Academia
June 7-12, 2021
Diversity, inclusiveness, multimodality, critical reflexivity, power-differentials, accountability and responsibility, co-creation, humanity, and beyond dichotomies for engaged anthropology -- These are not buzzwords, but crucial concepts explored at the SEG-Interface Commission pilot summer school. Held from June 7 to 12, 2021 at the Centro Incontri Umani - Ascona, Ticino, and supported by the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences, it addressed the theme of Anthropological Engagement Beyond Academia.
Students from universities in Switzerland gathered to immerse themselves in a non-hierarchical and interactive learning approach with experienced scholars and practitioners. They explored the uses of anthropological knowledge and tools and the challenges in particular social contexts of engagements in local and international fields. In this film, participants share their reflections and takeaways from this summer school.