Suy Lan Hopmann and Fiona Siegenthaler (eds.): Hey! Kennst du Rudolf Duala Manga Bell? Book accompanying Hey Hamburg, Kennst du Rudolf Duala Manga Bell?, an exhibition for young people and families. Hamburg: MARKK, 2021.
A multivocal, richly illustrated book telling the story of King Rudolf Duala Manga Bell and his allies in the struggle against German colonialism - and the postcolonial aftermath of racism and cultures of remembering.
With contributions by the editors, Karo Akpokiere, Hervé Youmbi, Chirikure Chirikure, Princess Marilyn Douala Manga Bell, Barbara Plankensteiner, Naomi & Tamika Odhiambo, Sista Oloruntoyin, Jean-Pierre Félix-Eyoum & Stefanie Michels, ARK Kollektiv and the curatorial team.
German: ISBN: 978-3-9441-9314-4
English: ISBN: 978-3-944193-15-1
For more information about the exhibition and book: