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Interface summer school in collaboration with Universities of geneva, zurich and lucerne

Updated: Mar 9, 2023

Exciting new edition of the Summer School in Ascona with a focus on "Critical sustainability engagements: anthropological perspectives on theory and practice" with special grants for students from the Universities of Geneva, Zurich and Lucerne.

June 13 - June 16 hosted by our partner institution Centro Incontri Umani.

Critical theoretical and activist engagements on concerns such as human rights,

gender violence, global pandemics, coloniality, racism and environmental

sustainability are hot topics in both social science research and change-making

across the world.

This Summer School seeks to shed light and enable learning on the multiple

methodological, epistemological and political challenges involved. We aim to open

up discussion on new forms of engagement, multi-modal expressions and student


This Summer School offers a unique space for creating mutual learning between

critical analysis and critical engagement.

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