The Ascona Interface Summer School:
Anthropological Engagement beyond Academia
June 7-12, 2021
The Interface Commission of the Swiss Anthropological Association (SEG-SSE) in collaboration with the Centre for Studies of Society and Culture in Ascona will be holding its first Summer School on June 7-12, 2021. The Summer School aims to offer Anthropology Master students the opportunity to learn about contemporary anthropological engagement and practice beyond academia. During the five-day course, students will be interacting with practitioners engaged in various forms of applications of anthropological knowledge in specifically situated social, cultural, political, economic, and environmental challenges. The course involves an engaged modality of learning where students together with practitioners are encouraged to explore, reflect upon and further develop their individual or collective projects of anthropological engagement. The Summer School offers an enabling and non-hierarchical learning environment through presentations, discussions, and group work and exercises. This pilot Ascona Summer School in 2021 will be able to accommodate up to 12 students from all universities within Switzerland.
Details on the application process, requirements and deadline will be announced soon. For enquiries contact Doris Bacalzo. E-mail:
We are grateful to the support for the event from the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Centre for Studies of Society and Culture in Ascona.